In a continuation from my last post, I share more of the specific lessons that were robbing me of the rest for my soul that Jesus offers.
All tagged sin
In a continuation from my last post, I share more of the specific lessons that were robbing me of the rest for my soul that Jesus offers.
While self-care may make sense when you’re burned out, they need to be received as gifts, not gods.
If you’ve ever wondered how the gospel of your salvation that secures your eternity can impact your life and relationship with God in the here and now, this book guides you into growing that deep fellowship you long for with your Savior.
Want to walk faithfully through your fears, sins, struggles and sufferings? A rich devotional from one of my favorite spiritual mentors.
Though I was familiar with parts of Psalm 139, I had not really studied it as a whole. What it was saying was far greater than I imagined.
When we suffer, it is easy to blame others for our problems. But let's take a cue from Asaph, who honestly faced his own sinful response before God--and found a way out.
There is only one way to real change: the gospel. How does it do that?
Understanding who we are in Christ provides us the motivation and impetus to walk faithfully with Him. This summary of resources consolidates the past quarters’ topics and teaching.
Because God has so graciously rescued us out of our sin, we can, in gratitude, serve others by helping them towards Him as they struggle with their sins.
The process of change is a slow one, but over time, little drops can carve deep transformation.
Contrary to popular culture, the beginning of change does not begin with self-help. God has another solution entirely. Will you take it?
Our greatest enemy is the sin within us. Understanding what it is helps us to engage in the battle against it—with the power made available by God through Christ and with hope in His resurrection.
A quick overview on the issue of control—and how to start relinquishing it to the only One who deserves to hold it.
How going down into our sin roots us in the surpassing-knowledge love of God.
Being a mom of a disabled child hasn’t always been a gift. But Christmas reminds me of how Christ has come to minister to us in our own disability.
As spring is officially here, how are you doing weeding your garden from sin? This post explores key components to uprooting sin and replanting righteousness.
We often carry loads Jesus did not intend for us to carry. Will you accept His invitation to shed these burdens?