Reading good books, starting with the Bible, is key to our growth in sanctification. An introduction to a new series for the fall featuring some books that have changed me.
Reading good books, starting with the Bible, is key to our growth in sanctification. An introduction to a new series for the fall featuring some books that have changed me.
After our journey through the psalms, what else can we do but praise Him?
Though I was familiar with parts of Psalm 139, I had not really studied it as a whole. What it was saying was far greater than I imagined.
One of the most amazing and comforting things as we journey through life is that we are kept by God. He is by our side constantly. Let Psalm 121 be your comfort and confidence as you walk out your days.
Sometimes we forget that we are exiles that don't belong here, pilgrims on a journey to our future home. Psalm 90 shows us six prayers to pray, based on God's eternal character.
When we suffer, it is easy to blame others for our problems. But let's take a cue from Asaph, who honestly faced his own sinful response before God--and found a way out.
As a child of God, we are children of the King. What is this King like and how does knowing Him change how we pray and live?
The psalms guides us in how to pray when we feel like we’re in over our heads with despair, suffering, or injustice.
Knowing the Lord as our Shepherd can make all the difference. Is He YOUR shepherd?
Not only are the psalms prayers, they teach us how to pray. Listen on lessons from David as we explore this psalm of lament.
A second key to the blessed life is knowing who rules your life. There can only be one King—and we’re not it.
All of us desire a blessed life—and God desires to give it. Psalm 1 shows us the only way to that life of blessing.
Introducing a new series for this summer—an opportunity to study the psalms, let them guide us in prayer and in conversation.
A summary post of the past series , with reflection questions to build your own ministry.
Titus 2 is the ministry of disciple making, specifically with women. This post looks at how we can serve the Lord by partnering with Him to reproduce more disciples: as midwives, adoptive mothers, and trainers.
Some thoughts on how to get started if you’re interested in taking the step to working with the younger women in your life.
Every home can be beautiful when it is focused on honoring God and loving others. Questions to think about as you frame your home’s routines and fill it with the things that reflect your values.
Home is so much more than the dwelling we live in. It is a place of ministry to those who live here as well as those who visit. As older women, may we faithfully teach the good work of homemaking with an eternal vision in mind.