Summary Post: Summer in the Psalms

Summary Post: Summer in the Psalms

I hope that this series has whet your appetite for this part of God’s Word. We only covered twelve of them—there are so many more to enjoy! I pray that the process by which we studied the psalms will encourage you to dip into one for yourself.

Here they all are in one post if you’d like to find them in a collection:

Psalm 1: Only One Way—An Introduction to the Psalms

Psalm 2: Only One King—Humility as the Way to Blessedness

Psalm 5: A Primer on Prayer

Psalm 19: Praising the God Who Communicates

Psalm 23: The LORD is MY Shepherd

Psalms 42-43: Praying Through the Hard Times

Psalm 72: All Hail the King!

Psalm 73: When Suffering Turns to Sin

Psalm 90: The Prayers of an Exile

Psalm 121: Constantly Kept by God

Psalm 139: Search Me, O God!

Psalm 148: Praise to the King!

May your prayers be focused on the King so that you grow in your prayers of faith and trust.

Praise to the King! (Psalm 148)

Praise to the King! (Psalm 148)