Summer in the Psalms: A New Series

Summer in the Psalms: A New Series

Over the next three months, I will be working through a series called Summer in the Psalms! When we were hit with COVID back in 2020, I taught my first class on the psalms. I struggled with this book mainly because I’m not much a poetry reader.

But I wanted to learn it well, because as a biblical counselor, I knew that its words were often what could minister to others deeply. Its ability to connect with the human longings of the heart—from highest joys to deepest sorrows and everything in between—could speak in ways I could not.

And so that summer, and for two more summers afterwards, I devoted my time to studying, praying, and then teaching the psalms to women. This summer, I’ll share some of those psalms with you on this blog.

I encourage you to do a little reading on your own before reading my thoughts. Let me direct you to a couple of posts I have written before already: An Introduction to Studying the Psalms and How to Read the Psalms. These can help you to understand the unique genre of Jewish poetry. Then I’ll share a few interesting things about the passage and then close with some ideas for praying the psalms.

My prayer is that this series will equip you to enjoy the psalms but also to share them with others as well. As you interact with the Lord over these rich portions of Scripture, may they become personal to you. And as they sink into your heart, may they also help you to share help and hope to others as well.

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