After being off social media for over three years, but as we anticipate starting a new ministry venture, this question arises: Dare I get back on social media again?
After being off social media for over three years, but as we anticipate starting a new ministry venture, this question arises: Dare I get back on social media again?
Whether you are in a time of transition or what feels like an unending season, here are five things that help me navigate through each in faith.
We know we ought to abide in Christ, but it seems so mystical. What does this important command mean? Why is it so important? And what does it look like?
God uses everything in our lives to help us grow and mature. Here are three lessons I learned as I wrote this past year.
How we live depends on how we see life. How we see life depends on how we read our Bibles. If the Bible is a disjointed, random collection of odd sayings, it has no power to change your life. Find out how you can live larger by reading your Bible as a story.
Ten lessons God taught me in the ten years of our adoption that have changed and shaped who I am today.
Fear is antithetical to the life of Christ, yet is so common. When the world we live in gives us many reasons to fear, learning how to view, think, and act to the contrary requires faith, trust, and hope in the God who conquers all fear.
We all need regular physical checkups. Are you getting regular spiritual checkups as well? Here are some ways to let God evaluate your heart.
One of my favorite resources to use in getting to the heart transformation we long for.
Even with its dangers, there are corners of the internet being used to make disciples. Here are some of my personal favorites.
Evangelism is really a part of discipleship. Robert Coleman’s classic has deeply impacted my life and serves as the foundation for my understanding of the mission of disciple making.
After reading and studying the psalms, use these six ways to pray before God and in ministry to others.
After reading well, taking the time to study through careful observation and thoughtful interpretation will help us to ultimately apply, speak, and pray the psalms well.
Before speaking the psalms, we need to read and understand it accurately. Here are 12 tips on how to do just that.
Speaking the psalms requires understanding the psalms. First of a series, focusing on three basic principles.