Gone Fishin'

Gone Fishin'

Checking in today with a short post! I’ll be on vacation with my family this week but also thought it would be a good time to look back on some old posts as well.

One of the blessings about challenging myself to write a post every week is seeing what emerges as I seek to express my thoughts on “connecting the dots.” Several things I’m realizing:

  1. Connecting Scripture to life means keeping application in mind and not stopping too early. It’s easy to think that studying the text is all that matters but we need to let it seep into our thinking, ways, and life. Posts to consider:

  2. Connecting Scripture requires thoughtful planning and intentionality, even down to the level of habits and routines. Posts to consider:

  3. Keep the overall big picture and story in mind even as we seek to apply it practically, lest we lose our sense of purpose. We apply Scripture as kingdom seekers, with hope in the overall Story that God is writing.

  4. It is best done in community—in different kinds of relationships and contexts.

Learning to write every week is a discipline, but as I have been working on it this past year, I can see where I tend to gravitate, what I enjoy to write and what is emerging as my central themes. Thank you for taking the time to read. I truly do appreciate it.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

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