Rest is not just “out there”—it needs to start right where we’re at. Prerequisites to finding rest at home.
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Rest is not just “out there”—it needs to start right where we’re at. Prerequisites to finding rest at home.
Getting a good night’s sleep is not as easy as it sounds. This post highlights some ideas to get good rest at night so we can better receive God’s deeper rest for our souls.
In this new series, we will explore what true rest in God looks like, especially in the harder seasons of life.
If you’ve needed help (as I do) to “pray in all circumstances,” this book can help guide the way.
Efficiency and effectiveness aren’t always the same thing. A review on a book that has given me a new look at productivity and work.
Planning is the first half. However, working out is where things actually start changing. Eight insights on helping you work out your own salvation faithfully in the hours and minutes of life.
Our last interpretive skills: checking cross-references and commentaries.
How to start the work of interpretation with a return to Titus 2:3-5.
Connecting the dots includes worshipping God in the everyday through abiding, keeping an eternal perspective, and serving Him in the ordinary.
Our faithfulness, not our grand gestures of service, is what God praises (Matt 25:21). Routines help us to faithfully show up and serve Him in the ordinary tasks of life.
We often carry loads Jesus did not intend for us to carry. Will you accept His invitation to shed these burdens?