In a continuation from my last post, I share more of the specific lessons that were robbing me of the rest for my soul that Jesus offers.
All tagged growth
In a continuation from my last post, I share more of the specific lessons that were robbing me of the rest for my soul that Jesus offers.
Can our sinful anger truly be transformed into something God-honoring and good? David Powlison thinks it can—and lays out a thoughtful path to that end.
A thoughtful exploration of the nature, role, and invitation our emotions offer in our journey of sanctification.
Contrary to what the world tells us, setting limits and habits in our lives is actually a powerful way to help us grow. This book shows why and how.
If you’ve ever wondered how the gospel of your salvation that secures your eternity can impact your life and relationship with God in the here and now, this book guides you into growing that deep fellowship you long for with your Savior.
Though I was familiar with parts of Psalm 139, I had not really studied it as a whole. What it was saying was far greater than I imagined.
A summary post of the past series , with reflection questions to build your own ministry.
When God changes us, He is working to transform us at our deepest level—at the heart. What does that mean?
What is the heat in your life that threatens to lead you off track in your journey of faith? A look at what the heat is and how understanding it can be the first step to real change.
A new quarter means a new topic! Join me in the next few months as we look at change in the deepest, hidden parts of us to encourage growth in Christlikeness.
A summary post for the process I use to evaluate and plan my time to live my part of God’s Story with intentionality and purpose.
Doing a time audit and evaluating it can help pinpoint changes to make. Here’s three steps to help you start making a plan to move forward.
Doing a time audit is the first step. In today’s post, let’s pause a moment to ponder what we can learn from it and celebrate the good God has already done.
A summary post on how to do inductive Bible study for yourself.
When we learn the skills of studying Scripture for ourselves, we have sustenance for our spiritual lives. Here, we will look at how to put Scripture in context as well as observe for details.
Twenty ideas on how to make meditation a part of your spiritual training.
Just as inhaling and exhaling form the unseen pattern of our daily lives, so we need to learn to inhale Scripture and exhale prayer as a pattern in our spiritual lives. Here are some suggestions on how to form this core rhythm to sustain and empower your communion with God.
While we often think of fasting in terms of food, a social media fast can also have many positive benefits. Who should consider doing such a fast and how do you do it?