How to Escape Temptation

How to Escape Temptation

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.—1 Cor. 10:13

As I counsel women, I am discovering two things: 1) the problems we struggle with due to sin or the suffering we experience because of the fall are common, but 2) the way out is not always so. This is both comforting and challenging.

Nothing you face today is unheard of or strange. The temptation to tell white lies. The harsh and angry word in a moment of frustration. The desire to put up a front so others like us better. The tendency to believe we know better than God.

Sure, we might package it differently. Some situations may tempt us more than others.

But the actual temptation is nothing new.

And because of that you can take heart. God knows. He understands. And He has an answer. His Word will address it.

With every temptation, he promises a way out.

The only thing is that way of escape may not always be clear. We can identify the problem. We can see where we go wrong. We might even be able to uncover the underlying motivation or desire.

But how do we get out of it? How do we stop doing what we naturally gravitate towards? How do we break those bad habits? How do we connect the dots and actually escape from our sinful tendencies?

Just knowing our temptation doesn’t mean we have changed. It happens when we respond in faith and take that way of escape. Change happens when, through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we repent and turn away from that old way.

How to Escape Temptation

First, identify what you are doing that is so common to man. Is it the tendency to escape when life is hard? To make people happy at all costs? To elevate yourself and your opinions over all?

Second, remember the Gospel and bring that sin to the cross.

To be honest, this is probably what we most often forget. We try to shortcut the process and do it by our own will power.

But white-knuckling through it is not the solution. Change doesn’t happen by our own efforts. We simply do not have it in us to change.

This is what makes the gospel Good News! It is not just a ticket to heaven one day when we die. The Gospel helps us right here, right now, today. It helps us to humble ourselves to confess and repent. It empowers us to put off the old and gives us faith to walk in manner worthy of our calling (Eph. 4:1).

The Gospel is the way of escape.

Because of His mercy our debt is forgiven. Because of His grace, we are made alive and righteous before Him.

Third, turn to God in faith through the power of the Holy Spirit He has given us. When we take ourselves off the throne, when we humble ourselves before our King in gratitude, we serve Him out of gratitude.

  • We pray: How can I respond differently? What next step can I take out of this mess? What can I do that will glorify Him most?

  • We surrender: Where do I need to release my grip? In what area do I need to release control?

  • We trust: What does it look like to wait in faith for an answer? What do I need to place in His hands?

  • We obey: What do I need to do? What sin do I need to refrain from?

As we look to Him by the power of the Gospel, He will tailor our way out.

In short, the way out is the way of faith and obedience instead of the old, comfortable, and familiar habits of sin and self. No matter what you struggle with, God has provided a way out for you through your union with Christ.

Our God is faithful. He has faced every temptation you have, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15). He knows how hard it is.

Take heart! He will not just pat you on the back or tell you to do better. He will help you bear your burdens (Matt. 11:28-30). He will strengthen you to withstand the enemy (Eph. 6:12).

Don’t try to do it yourself. Lean on Him, for He is our friend in our time of adversity (Prov. 17:17). He may not take the temptation away, but He will help you endure it—and be victorious.

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