The Best Christmas Gift

The Best Christmas Gift

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.—Rom. 12:1

Christmas is characterized by gift giving—a tradition no doubt inspired by the wise men who brought gold, myrrh, and frankincense to the child Jesus (Matt. 2:1-12). Their gifts were appropriate and reflected their faith: gold for a king, myrrh for anointing at death, and frankincense for a priest.

As Gentiles, these men may not have understood the deeper significance as we do today, but their devotion and honor displayed in their gift giving has made me think: What would be an appropriate gift I could give to Jesus, one that likewise displays my faith and hope, one that would honor Him as my Lord?

The answer is simple: myself.

Romans 12:1 suggests this. Because the Father has shown His mercy to me through Christ, because Jesus died an unwarranted death in my stead, standing in my place as a priest does, I am now free to even stand before God at all.

He doesn’t want cute stocking stuffers, the latest technological gadgets, or even an all-expense paid luxury vacation.

He simply wants me.

Me with all my sinful ways, bad habits, and mistakes.

But also me with the new heart and spirit He has redeemed at great cost.

This makes all the difference in the world. Because I am now forever accepted, secure in my relationship with Him, I am also free to give my all to Him. I can give Him my life.

My life to use in any way He chooses.

My life to contribute to the work He has begun here on earth.

My life to sacrifice as He did for the sake of others.

This is my spiritual act of worship—a living offering, not a dead one. This is what He wants for Christmas.

Connecting the dots, I believe, begins with this fundamental response. It is not just about faithfully understanding God’s Word. It is not just about applying it and doing good works.

We can do all those things and still withhold our hearts and our whole selves from Him. I’ve done it before.

Though I am just learning myself what it means to be a living sacrifice, I know that it is a fitting response of gratitude. He has taken this rebellious girl and made me His own. How can I give Him any less?

As a living sacrifice, I want to live every day and every moment for Him. This doesn’t mean a life of a monk, but a life expressed in service to others.

  • Numbering my short days to bring Him glory (Ps. 90:12).

  • Making the most of every opportunity by living wisely (Eph. 5:16).

  • Being salt and light to a dark and decaying world (Matt. 5:14-16).

  • Exercising my gifts to build up the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-16).

  • Proclaiming the Gospel, laboring to present everyone mature in Christ (Col. 1:28, 29).

Even in this He helps me. Like a mom who helps a young child earn money to buy a gift for herself, God helps us to present ourselves to Him. He pays the price. He helps us labor. And He delights in the gift.

In myself, I can do nothing to please Him. Apart from Him my good works are as filthy rags (Is. 64:6).

But under His direction, as I abide in Him, I can carry out the good works He has planned for me (Eph. 2:10). This is a beautiful life that brings Him honor, glory, and joy.

We cannot do this on our own, which is why I like to pull away at the end of the year to ask Him how I might serve Him in the year to come. If my best gift is me, I need some help to determine how to use the days He gives me.

More than forgotten New Year’s resolutions, this is a time to prayerfully reflect on where He has taken me, look at where He is going, and then dedicate the next 365 days to Him to carry out His plans and purposes. I want to live out my part in His Story with every day He gives me.

If you’d like to join me in this reflection time, I invite you to sign up here. It would be an honor to walk through this with you as you connect the dots and present your life to Him as a living sacrifice.

It’ll be a Christmas gift He loves.

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