Identity and Destiny Meet Time Management: A Look at Next Quarter

Identity and Destiny Meet Time Management: A Look at Next Quarter

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”—Eph. 5:15-17

Here we are, in the final quarter of the year. Personally, I think of life in quarters—it’s more concrete and a bit more manageable than a year. This helps me reorient if I’ve gone off track (which I usually have).

It’s also a good time to celebrate! If I have set some specific goals for the quarter and taken some steps, I call that a win. In the areas I have stalled, I try to figure out why and then renew my efforts.

Lastly, it’s a good time to evaluate and figure out where I need to abandon things. Sometimes the season changes and life is different. I know things that I didn’t know before.

This Season

Right now is one of those seasons. When I planned out my summer, I did not know that just a few months later, my son would be engaged! Though it was on my radar, I didn’t have anything definite.

I also did not anticipate the struggle of the transition we’re now in as we changed churches. I’m in that “messy middle” stage where I am no longer connected to my previous church but not yet settled into my new one. Good things can still bring hard times.

And lastly, I did not think that homeschooling this year would be so difficult. This is our 21st year and we’re in the high school stage, which is generally less hands-on. But it hasn’t been, and I’m feeling the strain.

These things, plus a full holiday season and two family birthdays on top of it, are making me feel a bit overwhelmed—and we haven’t even started!

Yet at the same time, I don’t want to waste the opportunities for my personal spiritual growth in faith as well as the opportunities to love well. But I also know it won’t happen by chance.

Maybe you’re feeling the same way. How do we live in such a way that moves us beyond survival mode so that we can thoughtfully engage with our busy lives?

That’s what we’ll explore in this season of posts—for your sake but also for mine.

The Next Quarter

Back in the spring (one of my goals), I experimented with writing on a quarterly theme instead of trying to come up with a new topic every week. It was getting stressful. It seemed like my posts were jumping around too.

So I started writing on things I wanted to think more deeply about. First, I looked at our identity as saints, sufferers and sinners. Then, I spent some time outlining for myself a way I can learn to study the Bible more deeply for my own personal growth.

Ultimately, these two set the foundation for my personal ministry of discipleship. I want my personal relationship with God to start shaping me first so I can be used by Him to help others in their journey of growth. In order to live out Titus 2:3-5, I need to be rooted myself in God’s truth.

But I also know that there needs to be a connection between who I am becoming and ministry. God never intended for me to enjoy my relationship with Him without it blessing others too. For me, this primarily means those who live in my home, but it also extends to my extended family, my neighbors and community, and my new church family.

One of these new relationships will be learning how to be a good mother-in-law (!!). I also want to be able to bless my family through the holiday season and not dread it or just plow through it with gritted teeth. This will require some intentionality in the planning stage and not just a thorough to-do list.

So with this in mind, I will be posting thoughts through this process: How do I look carefully to walk wisely? How do I number my days to make the best use of the time I have? What is the will of the Lord and how do I make it my will as well?

These will be the questions I hope to answer as I navigate through this season. I hope that by the end of this quarter, I will not only make it through the next few months in one piece, but to honor the Lord and love others through it as well. I want to be better in three months, not bitter.

Where It Starts

In order to do this well, I need to start with two things: my identity and my destiny.

I do not start with what needs to be done. I do not start with what is urgent.

I begin with who I am as a child of God and where He is taking me. I begin with looking at Christ who was never in a hurry. He knew how His Father numbered his days and He kept seeking Him for that direction and timing.

There is nothing wrong with writing goals and making plans. However, we often forget to take it back so we see the 50,000-foot view.

My identity reminds me that as a child of God, I am beloved, no matter what I do—or fail to accomplish.

My destiny reminds me that His greatest intent for me is to become like Christ, not win awards for best mom, employee, or MVP. Even if I achieve those but fail to grow in Christlikeness, that is not success.

Human goals and accomplishments do not last. Only what is done for God and His kingdom will.

So as we begin this new quarter, let’s pray that this may be so:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the next three months that lie before us. They are unwritten days as of now, but I pray that You will write on these blank pages Your Story in our lives. Would You guide us into Your ways, even as we cook, clean, and care for others? Would You help us enter into the busy holiday season with hope, joy, and love as we anticipate the coming of our Savior? Fill our hearts with purpose and thanksgiving as we walk out these days before You. We pray these things in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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