The Basics of Prayer

The Basics of Prayer

“… praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints…”—Eph. 6:18, 19

We live in a war zone. Our enemies are not flesh and blood but the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12).

Our hearts are also a war zone. There is a battle for our loyalty and commitment.

I hate to admit it, but I get lulled into forgetting this reality. My old self is all too willing to go the easy way. I am pulled in, soothed with promises of peace. Of comfort. Of convenience.

I am not prepared.

Remembering the battle that rages helps me when the enemy of our souls swoops in, tempting, sowing seeds of doubt, and hiding gems of truth.

Far from being a good spiritual discipline we ought to practice, remembering the battle we are in elevates prayer to the level of necessity. We need to pray:

  • At all times.

  • In the Spirit.

  • With all kinds of prayers (NIV).

  • To keep alert with all perseverance.

At All Times

“All” pretty much sums it up.

This isn’t an idea just in Ephesians. Paul says this again in 2 Thess. 5:17 when he tells the church under attack to “pray without ceasing.” There, he sandwiches this command between two others—to rejoice always (v. 16) and to give thanks under all circumstances (v. 18).

Whatever is going on, we pray, with hearts rejoicing that our God has won the battle.

We pray because it helps us glorify God in every circumstance we’re in, even as we are crying out to Him for help.

In the Spirit

Sometimes we don’t know how to pray. Even if I want to, I draw a blank.

However, as believers, we can rest, for in Romans 8: 26-27, we are told that the Spirit that indwells us helps us to pray. We never pray alone. He knows what we need most and prays what is truly needed.

Even when I struggle to find the right words, even when my prayers are self-centered, the Spirit knows how to wed what I truly need and what I desire and bring them to God.

We pray in reliance on the Spirit, trusting that He knows both what we desire and what we need most so that God is glorified.

With All Kinds of Prayers

Prayer need not be dull. If we look at the prayers recorded in the Bible, we read prayers

  • Of worship focusing on His character

  • Of lament in times of grief

  • Of petition when we need help

  • Of remembrance when we are in doubt

  • Of repentance when we have sinned

  • Of thanksgiving when we see His blessing.

We can pray at fixed times to develop a rhythm (Daniel 6), which helps us to pray without ceasing (2 Thess 5:17).

We can pray alone or with friends (James 5:16).

Different kinds of prayer allows us to commune with God as is fitting and needed.

To Keep Alert with Perseverance

If I’m in a war zone, then I don’t want to be caught napping! Unless I am connected to the God of the universe, the enemy will blind, tempt, or confuse me.

Prayer also helps me to persevere. We do not know how long this battle will continue, but if we are alive today and He has not yet returned, the game is still on. Prayer helps us to keep going, one day at a time.

The purpose of prayer is to keep us tied to God so that we can stay faithful to Him for the long haul and walk in His ways.


I believe our prayer life is an indicator or reflection of our faith. It is one way we connect the dots between knowing and living.

  • Is prayer becoming a more regular mode of living or is it only relegated to desperate times and situations?

  • Do you view prayer as a way to demand what you want or do you present your requests honestly yet humbly as the Spirit leads?

  • Do you approach God in a variety of ways or has it become rote, mechanical and lifeless, as if prayer is a set of rules to follow?

  • Are you prayerfully alert to the spiritual battle around us and committed to sticking close to Him through it so you can walk faithfully?

Don’t worry if your prayer life is in need of some work. Mine is too. In fact, we can always keep growing in this area.

As this is an area of growth for me, I’ll be exploring this throughout the blog so stay tuned!

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